Return & Refund

Order Cancellation after Shipment or Delivery:
If you cancel your order after shipment or delivery due to unforeseen reasons, it will be subjected to evaluation by the resolution team.

You can initiate return of an Item within 07 (Seven) days of the item being delivered to you. Return requests are not accepted after 07 (seven) days from the date of delivery

Mode Of Refund Payment
Once the item is cancelled, the refund is processed after the product has been picked up from the delivery location.

You can choose to get your refund either in the original mode of payment (Credit Card, Debit Card, Net Banking, Digital Wallets or UPI Account)

Once the refund is initiated, the refund amount gets credited to your selected mode of payment in 7-10 business days. The refund timeline for various modes is provided below.

·       Credit Card/Debit Card/Net Banking/UPI Account - 4-5 Business Days

·       Offline (NEFT) - 7-10 Business Days